E timpul sa o iau de la capat, cu postarile, cu mine. Privind inapoi, ma simt vaga, ca intr-o ceata, protejand si aruncand cu subtilitati. E momentul in care imi asum cresterea si trecerea la un nivel nou. E momentul in care vreau claritate, sa ma exprim complet, si sa imi scriu experientele asa cum sunt ele, fara a mai fi analizate.
Am gasit o serie de intrebari amuzante pe un blog pe care il urmaresc din cand in cand si am zis ca e un start bun.
Asa ca, here I go, deschizand un nou capitol, unde nu imi promit ca va fi optimist dar realist poate si un pic amuzant mai ales ca in sfarsit dupa 2 ani, voi scrie despre provestile din taxi .
What is the farthest you’ve been from home?
What is your favorite word?
panselute, bucurie, matz.
Are you named after someone?
Da, dupa ambele bunici :)
If you were another person, would you be friends with
Greu, foarte greu.. Nu cred, sunt foarte nerabdatoare si cateodata posesiva, nu as putea sa ma impart :)))).
Doar ca sigur, as rade non stop si m-as intelege complet.. Nu, nu in mod sigur nu
Do you still have your tonsils?
There they are :))) le am, le pastrez :D
What was the last thing you ate?
Salata de vinete si Stoopwafels :(
Favorite smells?
cafea, vanilie (dar asa usor), aer curat, citrice.
Favorite sounds? Sunetele preferate?
acum se sparg valurile la mal.. adorabil! Pian :X
Who has been the most influential person to you?
Tata, e o persoana asa puternica, ambitioasa si mandra! Si a reusit sa faca tot singur, intr-o tara straina!
What’s one thing your parents don’t know?
Ohoooooooooooooo, multe :D.. cam toate de prin adolescenta, nu le insir :D
If you could live forever, would you?
Doar daca si persoanele apropiate mie ar trai pentru todeauna
What is your most embarrassing moment?
Eram cu sora mea, si ne plimbam noi agale cand o masina cu 4 tipi in ea (normal ca era si "that boy")opreste si eu incercand sa fiu cool si sa zambesc, am ajuns insirata pe jos cu sora mea razand pe burta. Yep, nu a mers relatia cu tipul ala :)))
What is the craziest thing you have ever done?
Nu prea fac eu lucruri nebunesti, doar poate momentul in care m-am dat in "Pendula" si imi faceam/strigam testamentul :)))
What qualities you look for in a partner
Sa fie bland, destept, simpatic si rational :D i bring the fun :))
Describe yourself in 3 words. 3 cuvinte care te
Duracell, sarcasm, curcubeu
Whats your favourite pizza topping??
You don't simply have enough Mozzarella :)))
What is something you learned today?
ca e imposibil sa te trezesti devreme cand te culci la 5 :))
Do you belive in magic?
Cam da :))
If someone asked you for a random piece of advice,
what advice would you give him or her?
Be true to yourself! Mai ales intr-o lume in care valorile se schimba continuu.
If you were a type of animal, what animal would that
be and why.
Imi place sa cred ca as fi o pisica alintata, dar mi-ar placea sa fiu un vultur, cam aproape orice pasare care zboooooooooooooooara (ciudat, e ca imi e frica de avione).
If you could learn one random skill, what would it be?
Sa dansez ca Ciara/Beyonce... just love how they dance..
Would you kill an innocent person if you thought it
might mean saving a thousand other people?
What is the biggest lie you’ve ever told?
Mai ,nu pot sa o zic aici :)) imi e rusine de ea :))
What’s the worst or weirdest thing that’s ever
happened to you?
Pana acum, nu am.. this is weird.
What is your favorite number?
What is your favorite eye color?
Dark Brown·
Do you prefer the bustle of the city or the quiet of a
small town?
Nu stiu, sincer! As vrea un echilibru, sau sa ma teleportez dupa stare.
Have you ever fallen out of a tree?
Nu, so sad
If you could have any pet in the world, illegal or
not, what would you get?
o maimutica.. Marcel :))
What was your favorite cartoon to watch growing up?
Tom & Jerry, Powerpuff, Viata cu Louie :))
Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend?
What is the coolest thing you’ve been for Halloween
Nada, once again.. so sad
Which gender is it easier for you to be friends with?
Barbati, dar se interpreteaza cateodata gresit aceasta prietenie
If your crush were with you right now, what would you
"Facem curat?" :))))))))))))))
Animals owner?
Not now, but soon
If we learn from our mistakes, why are we always so
afraid to make a mistake?
pentru ca doare, pentru ca e penibil, pentru ca ne e frica de esec, de parerile celorlati si pentru ca, suntem mai mult judecati prin prisma greselilor
When was the last time you tried something new?
Sambata, that was... dubios :))
If you swear, what is your favorite swear word?
WTF? Sa moara bibi, in pana mea si altele pe care nu le voi spune :D
Have you ever milked an animal?
nup, nup, not gonna try.
If you could have a theme song of your life, what song
would that be?
Do you sleep with your closet doors open or closed?
Closed mostly
What is your favorite food?
ICartofi, oua, branza, mamaliguta
If you could live in a book for a day, what book would
it be
Harry Potter :D
Which movie could you watch over and over and still
Harry Potter , iha
What is your usual bedtime?
dupa 12 :(
What was the last text you sent?
What comes to mind immediately when I say ‘Fear’
Painjen, failure, death...si uitasem ce clasicul "TREBUIE SA VORBIM":))))
What do you like least about yourself?
If you had to change your name, what would you change
it to?
Imi place numele meu, prea mult
If you could be any magical, mythical creature or
being, what would you be?
O zana, unicorn, Hermione Granger :))))))
Is your current hair color your
natural hair color?
What was the last thing that made you laugh?
Sambata, faceam karaoke la 12 npt si incercam sa imi opresc piticania sa faca ca sirena unei ambulante.
Do you sing in the shower?
Of course, and I am winnig Grammys for that :))
Is Christmas stressful?
NEVER sau poate un pic, ca tine prea putin si nu am timp sa innebunesc lumea cu spiritul meu Craciunesc dar mai sunt 148 de zile pana atunci deci pot incepe pregatirea.
Tea or coffee?
Coffeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee forver!!!!!!!
Cam atat, observ ca nu sunt asa wild cum credeam :)).
Alina, ai legatura :D
O zi amuzanta!